Drug & alcohol policy

EUROBULK LTD is committed to provide a safe and healthy working environment, free from the effects of unauthorized drugs and alcohol. The Company recognizes that drug, alcohol and other substances even in small quantities have the effect of distorting perception and slowing down personal reactions, thereby increasing the risk of marine incidents.

This policy shall be observed by everyone on board company vessels as they are expected to be able, at all times, to perform their duties in a safe and secure manner and respond to any emergency situation that might occur.

The company recognizes the limits set by STCW as amended and flag administrations for the permitted blood/alcohol concentration and adopts a maximum allowance of 0.04% blood alcohol level (BAC), but with this statement implies a ban on unauthorized drugs, hard liquor, wine, beer and all other alcoholic beverages.

No person shall assume watch keeping, safety, security and environmental protection duties under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Abuse, consumption, illegal possession, distribution and sale of drugs or alcohol whilst engaged on EUROBULK LTD operations or working on behalf will be dealt with the vessel’s management in consultation with company and disciplinary actions will be taken.

The use, possession, distribution or sale of illicit or un-prescribed drugs by company’s ashore and on board personnel is prohibited at any and at all times during their employment.

Substances such as, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP) and amphetamines are included in this total ban.

All prescribed and over-the-counter medicines taken onto vessels must be declared to the designated medical officer.

Any individual involved in an accident or injury or appearing to be in an impaired condition at work might be required to submit tests for the presence of drugs, alcohol or other substances.

Random testing or screening for drug and alcohol may be carried out without warning.

Employees have a responsibility to assist EUROBULK LTD in achieving its goal of providing healthy and safe working environment. Employees should bring suspected case of substance abuse to the attention of their supervisor or other appropriate person.

Individuals must feel free to approach any supervisory function at all times to discuss any drugs, alcohol or related issue in the full knowledge that such information will be treated in the outmost confidence.